Tomorrow, I shall once again return to the Western Isles, and it will once again be a long journey. The 625 miles will take me 12 hours, including a 5-hour stopover in Glasgow. I'll be tucking into a 700-page work of fiction, the
Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks. I am dreadful for re-reading books, but this one is worth going through again. You have to like the genre, it is a spin-off of the Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Nowhere near as good, but I have read far worse.
The circle of the year is now closed, the year since my mother died on 1 May 2008. It's naturally not been an easy 12 months, and this loss has had its impact along the way. Such is life.
Normal updates will resume on
Atlantic Lines on Tuesday, 12 May. This blog will now be dormant, until such time that I have need of it again. Thank you for reading.
I hope your trip back is safe and without the hitches you experienced getting there to see your dad. Linda in Washington, getting ready for a road trip to southern California
Safe Journey Guido...Take care.
Mary and I just got back from Torquay yesterday after a few days away. It was a wonderful break.
Much Love Sybil x
Have a good trip back. It is always sad to leave your own country. Hope you have good memories to carry with you back. Ciao. Antonella
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