Missed this morning's solar eclipse due to cloud. Elsewhere in Holland, some people were lucky to see some of it. The eclipse commenced at sunrise, with the sun partially obscured by the moon as it rose just after 8.45 am. It ceased at around midday - after which clouds broke and it became fairly clear. Such rotten luck.
Went into the next town for a spot of shopping, but had to walk on the cycle paths because the pavements were extremely slippery. We had another frost and some light snow in the night, making conditions treacherous.
I am now going to prepare for my return to Stornoway, which will take place tomorrow. It will mean a very early start, and will take about 14 hours door to door. This is mainly due to some lengthy waits at intermediate airports, but I prefer long waits to the stress of tight connections.
Apart from a later picture post, the Shell Gallery will now go back under wraps until my next visit to Holland. I shall resume blogging on
Atlantic Lines on Thursday 6 January, but will post (by mobile) on Facebook as I proceed on tomorrow's journey.