Monday 1 May 2017

Monday 1 May

Just found it has been six weeks since I wrote on a blog, with the exception of my more than once-daily updates on Tropical Cyclones. Unheard of, really, but I seem to have moved to Facebook what I used to write on a blog. Facebook is a lazy blogger's heaven [cough]. The disadvantage is that you can only really write a couple of lines. So, the Shell Gallery is open for business, for a few weeks.


In the sidebar, it is mentioned that this blog was set up in the aftermath of my mother's death in 2008, now 9 years ago. This rainy day we're having today reflects the mood perfectly.

1 comment:

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's a rainy day here too and I'm with you it also reflects my mood. Trying to make my own sunshine though, hope you can find the good in today too.