Monday 27 December 2010

Boxing Day 2010

Full of sniffles, I nonetheless headed west with my father today, to visit my sister and her family in a town some 20 miles east of Amsterdam. The train took us there in good order, although I cannot imagine that the ICE passengers alighting at Utrecht were very pleased at their 90 minute delay. And being taken there on an old NS [Dutch Railways] rattletrap. My sister was waiting at her local station and took us to her house. She had a new addition to the family, a young dog. Not a small one by any description: he is a St Bernhard cross. The animal is only 8 months old, and still requires training. We had scones, jam and cream, followed by a session of what is called here "gourmetten" [Google Translated, beware]. Difficult to translate - you have a set of small (handsized) pans, which sit on a hot plate. You fry small chunks of meat or fish and serve it with various garnishes. We returned east by train, and reached home at 10.45pm.

My sister's family cat 7 feet up - he wanted to go there himself

Waiting for the bus along the Schelmseweg [Scoundrel's Road]

1 comment:

Jan said...

Perhaps the cat was escaping the dog ,lovely snow scene waiting for the bus ,so pleased you spent time with your sister and her family ,sorry you have cold ,you will have exposed your self to some unfamiliar Jan xx